Design Psychology

How to Spark Joy at Home: Part 2

How to Spark Joy at Home: Part 2

In part 1 of How to Spark Joy at Home, I had defined what home means, how it serves many purposes, not only does home serve as our shelter but it is a vessel of memories as well. As a certified Design Psychology specialist, I had shared the deep emotional connection to our dwellings and ways to cultivate more joy at home. If you haven’t read part 1 yet, I highly recommend you start there first.

The sense of home is subjective. It could be described and feel differently based on the individual. My portfolio is a perfect example of this. When I start a new design project, I always ask how do you want the room to feel? Nearly every one of my clients has expressed to me that they want their home to feel homey. If you look at my portfolio, you will see how the word “homey” has been translated into so many different design styles. That is because the sense of home is based on the individual and their own life experiences.

How to Spark Joy at Home: Part 1

How to Spark Joy at Home: Part 1

During times of social distancing and fear, finding ways to spark joy may take a bit longer to cultivate these days. However, being home for an extended period of time doesn’t have to be negative. There are many simple ways that you can spark joy at home, and I will share how in this post.

But first, let’s define what home means…

Home can mean different things to different people. Home could be your current residence, reference your homeland, or a place where you feel the most peace which may not be a dwelling at all!

Whichever that sense of home is to you, home is our safe haven. It is where we retreat to replenish the soul, so we could go out into the world and accomplish great things. We may not be able to physically go out in the world at this time but we still can accomplish great things from home.

Does your Home Spark Joy?

Does your Home Spark Joy?

After binge watching episodes of “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix, I’ve been asking myself, “Does this spark joy?” ever since. It reminds me of a similar exercise that I do with my clients, which I will explain in this post.

Whether you feel it or not, your home has the power to influence how you feel, both positively and negatively, consciously and subconsciously.